Ancient Persia

Geography of Ancient Persia

The geographical setting for the Achaemenid Empire centred around (modern day) South Western Iran, and gradually increased in territory spreading over much of the Middle East, encompassing modern Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, western Pakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, southern Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Syria, Cyprus, Lebanon, Turkey, Bulgaria, Egypt and north eastern Libya.

Achaemenid Map of Ancient Persia 4
A Map of the Middle East showing the extent of the Achaemenid Persian Empire.
Red: Cyrus’ original territory; Orange: Expansion under Cyrus; Bright Yellow:
Expansion under Cambyses; Pale Yellow: Expansion under Darius. Click to Enlarge.

To put this into perspective, the Persian Empire covered an area around twice as large as the Roman Empire at its height, encompassing dozens of differing ethnographic peoples, languages and cultures. An area of approximately 8 million square kilometres (3.1 million square miles), about 50% larger than the whole of Europe, and almost as many different languages!

Remember that this was over two and a half thousand years ago, before industry and electricity, when messages were carried over land on foot, architecture was carved and built by hand, with no machinery to speed up the process. This only serves to highlight the enormous wealth and command of resources the Achaemenid Kings had at their disposal, and the scale of the power and ambition they had in order to commission the construction of their palaces and cities.

Apadana Persepolis Ancient Persia Reconstrcution
A reconstruction of the Apadana at Persepolis, showing the scale of the building and the city.

When studying the interactions between Ancient Greece and the Ancient Persian Empire, it is important to remember the scale and context. During this period, what we would later call Ancient Greece was rather a collection of individual city-states governing themselves, spread over the mainland and the islands of the Aegean. By contrast, the Persian, or more accurately the Achaemenid Empire was a vast territory, encompassing multitudes of ethnicities, cultures, deities and languages, all under the rule of one monarch.

Achaemenid Map of Ancient Persia 6
A map of the Middle East showing the extent of the Achaemenid Empire at its peak (Orange) and by contrast, the territory held by the various Greek city-states (Green). Click to enlarge.

The map above goes some way to putting into perspective the sheer size and spread of the Persian Empire compared to the Greek territories. Consider that the rulers of this vast dominion viewed the Greeks as little more than peripheral territory for acquisition; just one of its many borderlands which included such diverse geographical regions as Northern Africa, India, Mongolia and what we would now call southern and eastern Europe.

What is perhaps more remarkable is that the Greeks were able to hold them off as long as they did, at Thermopylae, and in fact to defeat their Persian invaders at Salamis, Plataea and ultimately, under Alexander the Great, altogether. In less than 150 years after the Persian invasion, Alexander was able to seize control of virtually the entire empire and divide it up as a new Greek empire.

Posted by Admin in The Persian Empire 559-465 BC, 0 comments

Timeline of Ancient Persia

In this introduction to the history of Ancient Persia (and in particular the Empire of the Achaemenid Kings beginning with Cyrus the Great and ending with Darius III), some of the earlier movements of peoples in the Near Eastern regions have been included for context.

The Achaemenid period spans approximately 220 years, from around 550 BC when Cyrus the Great succeeded King Astyages of the Medes as ruler of both Medea and Persia, until around 330 BC when Alexander the Great defeated Darius III and ended Achaemenid rule.

Earlier Periods

c. 3400 BC – Elamite Kingdom begins in South West Iran and Mesopotamia

c. 2000 BC – Nomadic peoples including the Medes, Persians and Scythians migrate from central Asia to Iran

c. 1000 BC – Continuing migrations of nomadic peoples in and around the Near East

c. 628-551 BC – The life of Zoroaster, according to Pahlavi sources

Achaemenid Timeline

553-550 BC – Cyrus II (Cyrus the Great) succeeds the Median king Astyages and becomes ruler of Persia and Medea, founding the Achaemenid Empire

547-546 BC – Cyrus conquers Phrygia, Anatolia and Cyprus

539 BC – Cyrus captures Babylon and liberates the Jews from captivity

530 BC – Cyrus dies, Cambyses II (Cyrus’ son) succeeds to the throne

525 BC – Cambyses II conquers Egypt

522 BC – Cambyses II dies, Darius I succeeds to the throne

515 BC – Darius I moves the Persian capital from Pasargadae to Persepolis

499 BC – Ionian Rebellion

492 BC – Darius I decides to invade Greece

490 BC – Darius I defeated at the Battle of Marathon

486 BC – Darius I dies, Xerxes succeeds to the throne

485 BC – Babylon destroyed by Xerxes

480 BC – Battle of Thermopylae, Spartans defeated by Persians

480 BC – Battle of Salamis, Themistocles defeats Xerxes’ fleets

480 BC – Xerxes prepares for invasion, building canals and bridges

480 BC – Sack of Athens

479 BC – Xerxes defeated at Plataea

478 BC – Xerxes builds Gate of All Nations, Palace of Xerxes

449 BC – Peace agreed between Athens and Persia (Peace of Callias)

448 BC – Ionian cities independent from Persia

412 BC – Sparta allies with Persia

401 BC – Xenophon and the Greek mercenaries retreat from Persia

380 BC – Darius III succeeds to the throne

341 BC – Conquest of Egypt by the Persians is completed

336 BC – Artaxerxes III builds the Hall of 32 Columns

334 BC – Alexander the Great invades the Persian Empire

333 BC – Battle of Issus, Darius III Defeated

331 BC – Alexander the Great conquers Egypt

331 BC – Battle of Gaugamela

330 BC – Darius III dies, Alexander the Great conquers Persia and Mesopotamia, Persepolis burned and looted, ending the Achaemenid Empire

323 BC – Alexander the Great dies, empire divided between his generals, beginning the Seleucid Empire

Posted by Admin in The Persian Empire 559-465 BC, 0 comments